After an infant is born into a believing family, parents are invited to take the step of having their infant baptized before the church. If a family is new to the church and their children have not yet neared the age for our Communicants Class, parents may also have these children baptized.
This baptism not only symbolizes the child’s entering into the visible church but the parent’s entering into a covenant relationship with God. Parents are stating their intention to raise the child in the fear and admonition of the Lord, and recognizing God’s promises to be gracious and faithful in their effort to raise the child in the Lord. This act in itself does not ensure the salvation of the child but states the hope that God will draw the child to Himself, and bring the child to a place of professing saving faith when they are older.
If your child does seek a relationship with God as they grow older, we recommend they go through Communicants Class around age 10. This will help ensure their understanding of the Gospel and the basic doctrines of the faith. When a family comes before the church to present their child for baptism, the church family also has the opportunity to affirm their desire to fully support and partner with parents in raising a Godly child. Our prayer is that the church family understands the serious nature of such a commitment and we will all sustain a constant effort towards our goal.