Cross Creek Kids

We are excited for God to use Cross Creek Church to support your family. We want to help you raise children who will grow, live, and serve in a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. We offer engaging and Gospel-centered lessons in Sunday School and Children’s Church. We also love to provide special year-round activities for our Cross Creek Kids.

At Cross Creek Church we desire to partner with you in the spiritual growth of your children. We also express our goals for your child in their understanding of who they are in Jesus Christ.

For more information:

Contact Shawndee Lovoy, Director of Nursery & Children’s Ministry

Sunday Mornings

9:30 am

Children’s Sunday School

10:30 am

Children’s Church (K4-3rd grade)

Wednesday Evenings

6:00 pm


Upcoming Events


Easter Egg Hunt

Cross Creek Kids Events

Throughout the year, Cross Creek Church provides lots of special events for both fellowship and community with the church as well as opportunities for children to grow in their faith. Each summer we provide outreach and growth through our Kids Camp and Summer Nights events. In January, we celebrate an entire month devoted to missions. On Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other special holidays we do lots of fun events and performances that enhance the enjoyment of the season. We also provide parents’ night out and other gatherings just for kids aimed at developing friendships and relationships in our church family. This is a huge part of our purpose at Cross Creek Church.

Worship Service/Sermon

Children of all ages are welcome in the worship service at Cross Creek Church. Corporate worship is foundational and taught in both the Old and New Testament. We believe it is a privilege as well as an act of obedience of children of God to participate. With that said, we recognize that very young children often have trouble engaging in worship and may hinder parents ability to worship. We provide a wonderful Nursery and Children’s Church option to help meet those needs.

We do have some suggestions to help your children engage during our worship service. Encourage children to sing along with the worship music, bow their heads during prayer, and listen and use our kids worship sheets to help focus. We encourage parents to follow up with their children after the service to review with them the things they read, heard, wrote, or drew on their worship sheet.

Spiritual Growth at Home

At Cross Creek Church we are committed to promoting spiritual growth in children through all of our ministries. However, we believe that the primary spiritual nurturers of our children is believing parents. As parents we have the humbling privilege of living the gospel in front of our children every day. We are commanded in scripture to train our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.(Deut. 6:1-9) As God spoke through Moses, parents should talk about God’s word with their children all day long in thought and action. This can only happen by God’s grace and reliance on Him for wisdom and guidance. We encourage parents to have family devotions and time that they read God’s word and pray together as a family. We also encourage teaching your child to have their own individual times of prayer and Bible reading.

As parents we should model a life of prayer before our children and talk to them about all the things that God has done in our lives. Through all this, children will gain a deeper sense of God’s presence and active participation in their everyday lives.