Mom's Morning Out at Cross Creek Church

Flexible, Fun, and Faith-Centered Childcare for Your Little Ones

Cross Creek Church’s Mom’s Morning Out program offers a safe and enriching environment for children from birth to 3 years old. This program gives moms a chance to engage in life’s activities, appointments, or other outings while their young children enjoy a morning of play and discovery, all in a nurturing setting that promotes learning and growth. As a ministry of Cross Creek Church, we strive to exemplify our mission of “Glorifying God, by Inviting all into God’s Grace.”

Program Highlights:

  • For ages birth – 3 years old
  • Tuesdays & Thursdays
  • 9am-1pm

With our drop-in style model, families can register their child for individual days, providing flexibility to meet your schedule. Package options are available, but each session is booked one day at a time, giving you control over when and how often your child attends.

Sign Up for MMO


Drop-off Fee:

  • $45 per day
  • $40 per day for Cross Creek members


  • 5 day package – $200 ($40/day)
  • 10 day package – $375 ($37.50/day)
  • 20 day package – $700 ($35/day)

Purchase a Package

Please note the following policies:

  • You must cancel or reschedule by 4pm the day before Mom’s Morning Out. If you do not do this, you will be charged for a full day even if you do not show. If you need help rescheduling, please text Shawndee at 205-432-9489.
  • Even if you have purchased a package, parents must still sign up for specific days. Purchasing a package does not guarantee a spot, so don’t wait until the last minute to sign up.

Cross Creek MMO follows a drop-in style format. If you are signed up for a day at Cross Creek MMO and do not show up, you are still responsible for payment for that day.

Drop off/Pick Up

Cross Creek MMO doors open at 8:55 am. Please do not arrive earlier, as we are preparing for the day.

Pick up for MMO is promptly at 1 pm or before. After 1:10 pm, a late fee of $10 will be charged to your account.

2024-2025 Schedule

Cross Creek MMO will be open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am-1pm. Cross Creek MMO is available to children ages birth- 3 years old. Please bring lunch for your child; snacks are provided. Our mornings include classroom playtime, snack, lunch, playground time, etc. Payment is required to secure a spot.

We follow the Hoover City Schools calendar and will be closed during Fall Break, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break holidays.

Daily Schedule

If your child is old enough for a daily schedule to apply, this is the schedule we loosely keep. If your child is an infant, they will be on their own feeding/care/sleep schedule as needed for each individual baby.

  • 9:00-10:00 – Check-in and Free Play
  • 10:00-10:30 – Morning snack (provided) goldfish and water
  • 10:30-11:30 – Playground time or classroom free play
  • 11:30-12 – Lunch (you will provide lunch for your child)
  • 12:00-12:55 – Free play, outside play, clean up
  • 1:00 – Pick up

*Please label your child’s sippy cups, bottles, and bags.
*Please provide a change of clothes.
*We will be changing diapers as needed and/or at least 1 time during MMO.

Cross Creek MMO is a well-child nursery

Please use your best judgment and do not bring a contagious child to MMO.

Cross Creek MMO will do everything we can to keep your child safe and happy while they are with us. Please keep your phone on while you are away from your child in case we need to contact you.

Potty Training Policy

Due to the nature of our program and the ages we cater to, we understand that some children may enter potty training during their time with us. We cannot overly assist with potty training at MMO. Please send your training child in a pull up AT ALL TIMES to MMO. If they ask us to take them to the potty we will do that. We cannot be responsible for asking them if they need to go. PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR TRAINING CHILD IN UNDERWEAR UNLESS THEY ARE 100% POTTY TRAINED AND WILL ASK US 100% OF THE TIME TO TAKE THEM TO THE POTTY.

Injury/Accident/Bite Policy

If your child is hurt in any way, we will make a decision based on the severity if we need to call and let you know. If it is not severe we will let you know upon pick up by providing an Ouch Report.

If your child is bitten or hurt by another child, we will call you and the parent of the child who was the aggressor.

If your child is the aggressor and hurts another child purposely in any way, you will be notified. There will be 2 grace incidents. If there is a 3rd incident, the director will contact you concerning your child and following steps to stay in Cross Creek MMO.


Cross Creek MMO is committed to the safety of your children and the security of our building. We have a thorough security system in place which covers the entire building and all the doors. The doors will be locked at all times and you will have to be let into the building by a staff member. We will use the side Nursery door (follow the signs). Feel free to contact me if you want more information about our security and I will provide as much information as safely possible. Part of a secure building is that the entire process is not disclosed so it keeps the security intact but I am happy to assure you if you would like to speak with me about it.

For More Information

Call or text Shawndee Lovoy, Mom’s Morning Out Director for a tour of the church, meet the director, and more information about MMO.


Shawndee Lovoy
Cross Creek Church Children’s Ministry Director
Cross Creek Church Mom’s Morning Out Director

Cell: 205-432-9489