“Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker! For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.” – Psalm 95:6-7 ESV
One of the central ways we seek to ‘Glorify God, by Inviting All, into God’s Grace’ is our Sunday morning church-wide worship gathering.
We believe that our weekly worship service is an opportunity for interaction between God, and us, His people. Through elements of the service, outlined in the Bible, and designed for our blessing and transformation, we experience God through the reading of Scripture and receiving the Sacraments, even as we, in turn, respond through Scripture, affirmations of faith, prayer, giving and singing.
We believe that all of Scripture is the inerrant Word of God. Therefore, our preaching is, typically, expository, working through an entire book of the Bible over an extended period of time. This helps us gain a better knowledge of the Bible as a whole and better awareness of the Bible’s wider context. It also helps prevent us from side-stepping those topics and passages that might be difficult to hear.
Musically, we lean heavily on songs and hymns that stir our minds, as well as our hearts; texts that are theologically rich, and music that is relevant to our current musical language. Drawing mainly from the modern hymn movement, we sing several “re-tuned” hymns by such groups as Indelible Grace, Red Mountain Music, and the Hymn Collective. We also sing many traditional and familiar hymn tunes that have been newly arranged to fit our modern setting. On the more contemporary side of things, we sing songs of such artists as Keith and Kristyn Getty, Stuart Townend, and Chris Tomlin.