Communicants Class, which our church offers on an as-needed basis, is designed to prepare children who are at least 10 years of age for the privileges and responsibilities of full church membership. We also prepare children who have not already to make a public profession of their personal faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. It is called “communicants” because one result of this step of spiritual growth is to begin participating in communion with the church body. The larger picture is the fulfillment of prayers and baptismal promises parents have offered on their child’s behalf as we see God’s regenerating work in their lives.
During class time, we study the basic doctrines of our faith through scripture, catechism, hearing from our elders and parents, and a workbook called Understanding Your Faith. Children will gain a greater understanding of who God is, the redemptive work of Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit, the role of the Church, sacraments and church membership.