We need the Lord as we strive in our work, in our homes, in our marriage, in our relationships. We can not strive alone. Our desire is for you to grow in your own personal relationship with the Lord so He can do a work in you and through you.

Sunday School Discipleship Courses

Adult Sunday School Discipleship Courses meet each Sunday morning at 9:30
Learn More: Adult Sunday School

Men’s Ministry

Weekly Bible studies & monthly events
Learn More: Men’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry

Weekly Bible studies & monthly events
Learn More: Women’s Ministry

Life Groups

Life Groups are smaller groups for you to grow, to live, and to serve, focusing on sharing life together through a meal, relationships, prayer for each other, and short Bible discussion.
Learn More: Life Groups

Membership Classes and Special Events

Membership Classes where you can learn more about our church vision, history, and core beliefs, and periodically, offering seminars, special conferences, and events.
Learn More: Membership Class

We can also provide you with other resources as needed. For more information, you can email or call us at 205-434-3138.

… train yourself for godliness…as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.1 Timothy 4:7-10