August 6 Church Vision Meeting

Join us for a Church Vision Meeting on August 6 at 9:30-10:15 am (during Adult Sunday School time)


Video Transcript: 
Well, hey, Cross Creek Church family. So glad to be able to catch up with you in this little video announcement. A great end of summer that I’m sure we’re all enjoying and much to give thanks to the Lord for over the last few months in the life of our church. We’ve had a number of new visitors that have been coming to our church over the quiet weeks of the summer. We had a great Summer Nights season with wonderful help and service from our life groups, pouring into the young ones in our church and many friends and family that came to visit and to hear about the Lord and relationship with him. We had the biggest group ever that went to our RYM, reformed Youth Ministry conference at the beach for our middle schoolers earlier in June.

And a recent high school retreat, as well, with a good number of kids having a chance to grow in community and grow with each other and the Lord during that time. So, it’s been a great summer season. I hope your household is enjoying the favor of the Lord, and it’s a time in the next few weeks to reengage with a new season of ministry for our church.

I want to mention, in particular, August 6th. I know some will be getting back in town, but many will also already be back and in the groove. We’re going to do a special Sunday school gathering for our adults and look at the church vision that the Lord has given to us. We have an opportunity there to look back at the last couple of years, see how God has blessed us with new ministries like Awana and Mother’s Morning Out, with new staff that the Lord has brought, and also through the Twelve – Called by Him, Called for Him campaign to purchase the facility that we have and to see the renovations here. So we want to just remind everybody of where we’ve been the last few years and also look ahead to the next couple of years as we plan and pray and envision where the Lord would take us. His work through us and his work in us. So we hope you’ll join us for that day. It’ll be a Q&A time as well for those that have questions. We’d love to hear more about where we believe the Lord’s taking us in the years that are upcoming. August 6th, again, combined Sunday school time and Room 4, 9:30 is our regular Sunday school time.

If you’re new to our church family, we’d love to have you start in with coming to Sunday school. And the week after that, August 13th will be our main kickoff for our new season of ministry, with the kids moving up to their new class level, and a special new adult Sunday school series.

We’ll be running new classes beginning for all the other age groups in Sunday school, and of course Life Groups resuming soon after. And men’s and women’s small groups as well. Beginning a new series preaching in the book of Deuteronomy on August 13th. So join us August 6th for that special adult Sunday school vision, strategic discussion time, and we hope to see everybody as well on August 13th.