Cross Creek Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).
We value the theological and moral accountability and connectivity of a denominational affiliation. We recognize other believers who align differently are seeking to know and walk with the Lord as they see best, but we also find spiritual strength and missional effectiveness in collaboration under a confessional understanding of Biblical truth.
The PCA began in 1973 and has been one of the fastest growing Christian churches in the United States. The PCA is a denomination that is both conservative and progressive.
Theologically, we are conservative, and are committed to the full authority of the Bible, believe in the historic doctrines of the Christian faith, and affirm that salvation is offered to all people by grace through faith in Christ.
At the same time, we are a progressive church, eager to present the Gospel to all people; there is good news of life with God in Christ. We are committed to make disciples and to apply the unchanging truths of the Bible to an ever-changing world. We are associated with Mission to the World and Mission to North America.
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